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Foco Cargo was founded in 2006, in Caxias do Sul, focused on freight forwarding exclusively in the international logistics sector.

In the middle of 2007, Foco started its activities in the national logistics sector. It didn't take long until Foco Cargo went after bigger goals. In 2009 Foco opened branches in the city of São Paulo and Manaus and in 2019 FOCO opened its third branch, in Boa Vista.

Always seeking the best for our customers, with more than 30 collaborators, aggregates and more than 100 partners today, FOCO CARGO is a national reference in cargo transportation.

Our main commitment when assuming the freight forwarding of your company is to ensure that our logistics is efficient, from the collection, request for documentation, customs clearance processes to arrival at the destination. With solid partnerships, We offer our customers the most needed security.

Foco Cargo, completely by your side and tailored to your needs.

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We offer an extensive range of express cargo transportation services covering the entire national / international territory.

Our goal is to provide our customers with a specialized service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

We seek high performance in meeting customer needs with commitment, agility, transparency and information security, combined with the latest technology and highly trained and qualified professionals.


Our team has professionals with extensive experience in the national and international cargo market, having also acted as representatives of airlines in this segment.

Our team of professionals have essential courses for the

managing and handling of cargo, which meet the requirements of regulatory agencies. They participate annually in all updates to the sector's standardization, through specific seminars and recycling.

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  • We have experience to identify and understand the client's needs and select the most appropriate service for each situation.

  • We have 04 units (RS, SP, AM, RR) and partners throughout national and international territory.

  • Foco Cargo has a qualified structure to receive your product.

  • Cold room units for both chilled and frozen food.

  • We have scheduling and tracking so that our customers are informed at all times about their cargo.

  • Flexibility in our schedules.

  • We offer multimodal services and special rates.

  • Partnership with all airlines.

  • We provide reverse logistics, that is, at the time of any delivery we can make the return of the same or other merchandise.

  • Hotline service - offered in the express service where your merchandise is conducted by a carrier from beginning to end.

  • We have an insurance policy.

  • True cargo depositary at the Manaus and Boa Vista units.

  • Monitored and specialized shipping for each service.

  • Palletizing and proper handling for every need.


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We offer an extensive range of express cargo transportation services covering the entire national / international territory. We seek high performance in meeting customer needs with commitment, agility, transparency and security of information, combined with the latest technology and highly trained and qualified professionals.


Rua Constantino Manfro, 113
Sagrada Família
Caxias do Sul/RS

CEP 95052-130

Rua Camacam, 309
Vila Anastácio

São Paulo/SP

CEP 05095-000

Av Torquato Tapajós, 1690

Galpão 2 - Flores


CEP 69058 830

Rua Guararapes, 1160 Aeroporto

Boa Vista/RR

CEP 69310-093

+55 54 3027 6111

+55 11 2216 0135

+55 92 3653 2556

+55 92 99336 3888

© 2020 Foco Cargo - Design by GK

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